Your Ad Here This Blog Has Been Moved To Wordpress..So check Smart Bloggerz Here.

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Recently I came to notice about a site called RefreshLink. Well what is it? Lemme tell you. It's a site with unique concept to show your ad banner on their front page for absolutely no cost. You can place any type of ad you want even without registering. Anyone can come; place their banner and fly away. Isn't it great? Currently I have placed some 3-4 banners from my side.

According to the owners: project is unique and ambitious project in the banner ad. The service, which we lacked on the Internet is created. The unique and interesting site functionality allows each visitor to present your website or blog using the advertising banner. This method of promotion is completely legal and not threatening any website. Our task is to RefreshLink attract as many people as possible to place more lucrative advertising. Try it now, it’s really a free for all.
There is always free space available since the site is using rotating script. You can also put your banner according to your time for which you have to pay and it will be permanent till that time and no other banner will take it's place.

The site is currently new; so I would advice to take the advantage as soon as possible. If you want to put your ad there then just Click Here!

This Blog Has Been Moved To Wordpress..So check Smart Bloggerz Here.

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Keywords : Cheap Domains, Make Money Online, Blogging Tips, Web Hosting, Blogger Templates


Anonymous said... @ January 23, 2009 at 10:42 AM

Hey, thanks for this link. I have added mine already.

It's a great idea.

Anonymous said... @ January 23, 2009 at 12:47 PM

I have to go to the site is also interesting ... ... thanks for this information


buzzerbeeser said... @ January 25, 2009 at 6:42 PM

This is the first time I have read your blog and what an increadible post! You have given these resources and I can't wait to use them.

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