Google Adsense is a popular PPC website around the net which helps people to monetize their site/blog with it's targeted advertising.And since it's launch it's moving like a Typhoon :) But there are Myths which remains there which affects the the adsense as well as the mentality of those bloggers who thinks about it.So,here are some of the popular Myths about google Adsense which I have collected from Internet which you should never ever believe on otherwise it will affect your blog improvement.
1.Displaying AdSense ads helps you rank better
People think since "Google" is behind the adsense therefore displaying ads from it will help in improving your rankings which is completely wrong and bogus.So you would be a fool if you think like that.
2.Targeting high paying keywords is the way to get high earnings
It is true that keywords helps better placement of ads with high paying ratio but guess what, you’re not the only one who knows about them and, as such, you will have to compete against a lot of other webmasters for traffic. And since these keywords are quite specific, there are not that many searches for them and, as such, traffic will be an issue which will prove to be quite problematic. Making money by targeting high paying keywords is not impossible, but never make the mistake of thinking that it will be a piece of cake.
3.High Traffic and High CTR Means High Income
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But will the fact that you are receiving more traffic automatically have higher earnings as a result?High income depends of several factors, such as smart pricing and what type of website you run.Even if we leave the issue of smart pricing aside, believing that higher traffic is a guarantee for higher earnings is a mistake you need to steer clear of.
4.Using a only one type of ad size
People generally use a certain ad size all around their blog mainly "468x60 px" ads are very popular since people think it is a classic one and it is used from the starting of internet advertising era plus many advertisers also submit their banners in this form.And that’s exactly the problem: the 468×60 ad unit looks like a banner, and, since people are used to this ad format, they will simply overlook it and your CTR will not exactly be something worth bragging about as a result.
5.Display More & More Ads
Some people also believe that placing more and more ad units throughout your blog increase your blog income dramatically but it is wrong since if you try this method your content won't matter much to the readers and they will prefer to leave your blog and you know what is the meaning of this i.e loss of traffic or your valuable readers.
So that was something to know about the popular Google Adsense Myths which I have already said you should never believe on.There are many more stupid Ideas of blogger to increase their adsense income like teaming up with other bloggers and exchanging clicks with other but do remember that their is someone more smarter that you on net(yes it is Google) and if you get ban from there it is almost impossible to defend yourself.
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yet what about the "right" way of making money with adsense?
Makes sense, if you saturate your pages with ads then surely people will just get fed up.
Nicely written,
Muzzerino Adsense Blog
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