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Recently I came across a website through Google Ads; this site is using "digg" name which is a popular social website in the world. According to digg:

DIGG, DIGG IT, DUGG, DIGG THIS, Digg graphics, logos, designs, page headers, button icons, scripts, and other service names are the trademarks of Digg Inc.

But this name is used by a similar category website but with slight change in the domain extension.
This site is and it is almost same to Digg interface just some different colors use.

When I investigated about this site, I cam to know about a person who calls himself the owner and asks the same question on Yahoo Answers! Page. The person asks that he have the Domain and running and will it cause any dispute in future?

I think there could be chance of a possible dispute if Digg's Officials come across this thing and that person could get into any big trouble. Actually he was having a domain but he decided to buy a domain matching similar to a Big site related to his site category so he did this thing.

Hopefully, If he reads this he will shift to the older domain and won't think of using 'Digg' name for running that site.

This Blog Has Been Moved To Wordpress..So check Smart Bloggerz Here.

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Keywords : Cheap Domains, Make Money Online, Blogging Tips, Web Hosting, Blogger Templates


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