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If you are a blogger or having a online business then optimizing your blog with some SEO tips can make you see more better results for your blog. The objective of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to achieve high natural search engine placement for relevant keywords or keyword phrases.

I will be discussing here some Top 10 questions asked by the people regarding 'SEO'.

Q1.What is SEO?
=> The word SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is a term used to describe how to design web pages for the highest possible placement in search engine results pages.It is a process that aligns a website's code and content with strategic keyword phrase targeting, ultimately assisting a search engine algorithm in understanding a website's keyword focus.

Q2.How important is SEO?
=> It is common knowledge that the search engines of today love content, they cannot get enough new content and keep coming back time and time again, but why? As far as SEO goes, a busy site is a site which is constantly growing and growth means more content. The goal of SEO is to attract more visitors to certain websites.
When you search for any specific keyword like 'Smart Blogger Templates' on Google, for instance, you will surely find a lot of pages of search results. The ones found at the top of the list are the ones that have effectively employed SEO.

Q3.What are Text Links?
=> A text link is a text hyperlink that typically links to another online document, such as a web page, PDF file, video etc. Text links can also point to another location on the same page.
So firstly, text links help search engine spiders find, crawl and index all the webpages in your website. After all, if search engines can't find your web pages, they won't show up in the search results.Text links help search engines understand the topic of a link destination.

Q4.What are link farms and link exchanges?
=> A link farm is a system where all the members are linked to each other via a common set of link pages. The result is that all members have a links page with the other members' web addresses on them. Whereas, Link exchange is the process of exchanging links with other websites of your choice.
Link Farms on a hand have been decided as to be spam by many search engines. Where Link Exchange is a tricky part which is still continuing but not a bad thing. But you should try to Link Exchange with relevant site with quality content similar to your site.

Q5. What is duplicate content?
=> According to Google Here :
"Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. Mostly, this is not deceptive in origin."
The result of having duplicate web pages could be that you could get penalized by search engines i.e your pages won't get listed into the search engines. So avoid almost the same content as others. Try to make your own word.

Q6. How do I find the right keywords?
=> Having the correct keywords for your blog or website is very helpful and it gives awesome results if done properly.To select the right keywords, you must first know what the search phrases are that people use when they are looking for the service or product that you are offering.You could take help of Google's Keyword tool for it Or you could take help of Google's New Search-Based Keyword Tool Service.

Q7. How do I optimize my web pages?
=> Having good keyword is the best way of the optimizing your web page also you could take help of the Title and META tags if you wish that search engines store and list them in the search results properly.
There are different theories about how long your Title should be. Since Google only displays the first 66 or so characters (with spaces) so you should try your best to keep it up to that amount. So always try to keep your title to the point with good quality of keyword.
META tags are hidden code read only by search engine spiders. There are actually 2 very important META tags you need to worry about: description and keywords which you could add to your template like this if you are using blogger platform:

<meta name="description" content="Good and Proper Description Of your Page">

and the other one...

<meta name="keywords" content="(for eg.) what is seo, resources, seo software, seo ebook, search engine optimization , blogging tips">

Try your best not to use same keywords more than 3 times in the META Tags if possible. You could also take help of Scrubtheweb tool for analysing your Meta Tags Quality and How you can improve it.

Q8. Do I need to submit my site to the search engines?
=> It is not necessary to do so since according to me the search engines spiders are out there everywhere so they can easily submit your pages to the search engines if they want to but still if you still think like it won't get listed until I submit it then you can try free automatic (not guaranteed) search engine submission sites and tools available on the net.

Q9. What are spiders?
=> A spider is a type of bot which are automatic programs which crawls throughout your blog easily and at a great speed. They help in scanning and indexing your web pages to the search engines.

Q10. How does content help my SEO?
=> Many of you have read or listened somewhere that "Content Is The King" and it's actually correct also. If your blog have good content then you will have good readership and it could help your blog in giving great exposure also. Also be sure to update your blog with quality content frequently.

You could take help of my article Writing Good Quality Blog Content! for this thing.

I hope these questions and their answers specially for newbies would have helped you to know some of the basic things which always comes into your mind in your blogging journey.

What are your opinions about it? Do let me know.

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Keywords : Cheap Domains, Make Money Online, Blogging Tips, Web Hosting, Blogger Templates


Shubhangi said... @ December 29, 2008 at 4:27 PM

Well its really great.Its really helful for newbies in SEO like me.Thanks for sharing.

Shubhangi said... @ December 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM

Great Written.Its really helpful for the newbies in SEO like me..Thanks for Sharing..

Anonymous said... @ December 29, 2008 at 8:58 PM

These are all excellent SEO questions and answers for newbies. Perhaps you might consider writing/developing an intermediary or advanced SEO Q&A?

Anonymous said... @ December 30, 2008 at 12:38 AM

Additional from me:

How can I optimize the website in Seacrh Content Engine

Content is king. That is the key to success to get a higher ranking on search engines. how to design the contents of web pages that search engines friendly. But still must be maintained, so that the visitor you like to read.

One thing to remember is that you have a website designed for the visitor, not for search engines. Do not be too excessive only because you want to get a higher ranking, but in fact make the content of the web page is not good to read. If this is not your note, the visitor will only come once and they will be reluctant to visit again.

Anonymous said... @ February 10, 2009 at 12:02 AM

I have a question:
my website has some articles written in august 2007, and since they were unique content, the site was rated at first place in search engine for that.
Now some people have duplicated that content (just changed some words, but it is the same exact content = a videogame guide/walkthrough with maps).
Their articles have been posted on december 2008.
I have noticed a decrease in visitors and did some search, this is how I discovered the issue.
Now on google my site appears at 10th place when searching for that subject, while rip-offs appear at first places.
How is that possible?

Typhoon said... @ February 10, 2009 at 11:41 AM

@ Anonymous

I also don't know how it is possible..Google bans site on their own basis which no one knows as such properly..

But to cope up with this problem you can try adding hyperlinks in small '.' (fullstops) so that whenever some one exactly copies that article you will get an link back to your bog pages.

I m also trying this method.If you see this article it's been copied by someone else which I came to know from CopyScape..

So try this measure it might help you..

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