In bringing your blog to high ranking on Google search for this competition, all you have to do is structuring your blog and then optimize its page content for search engine spiders. This approaching will enhance the blog visibility by empowering all aspects and elements of pages which will raise the blog page relevancy in Google.
One of the main factors that play an important role in Google algorithm that determine page relevancy is keyword usage. Google look these below mentioned keyword factors and apply a sort of relevancy score for each page of your blog.
1. Keyword density :
Keyword density is the figure of how many times a keyword used on a blog’s page divided by the total number of words on the page. Since this competition is using keyword phrase of SEO Test then you must spread the appearances of this keyword on your blog article that will represent a moderate density. Actually there’s no fixed figure of of ideal density value for Google, but by allowing 3%-5% keyword density is quite representative for your blog to be visible enough for Google.
2. Keyword format :
This is an aspect of page relevancy which measure whether keywords are bolded or italicized or underlined on a page. For example, you can do it like this SEO Test for bolding the keyword, or SEO Test for italicizing it, or SEO Test for underlining it. The best way to do this is on the first paragraph of your blog post and spread them along the whole portion of the article.
3. Keyword proximity :
Keyword proximity is a measuring figure of word order and closeness of any individual words that build up a phrase in your page content. The closer words in a keyword phrase and in the correct order, the better it is to the eyes of search engines. For example, when someone searches for “SEO Test”, then Google will assigns a higher score for your page containing exactly the keyphrase “SEO Test” than if it is containing the keyphrase “Web SEO Test”.
4. Keyword placement :
Google also take account where on the page your keywords are located. This is called keyword placement,which Google will look for the keywords whether it located on the page title, in headings, in body content text, in text links, or in image ALT tag. Reach this by placing the keyword “SEO Test” on the title of pages.
5. Keyword prominence :
This keyword prominence is a way Google to measure how early the keywords showed up on a page. Putting your keywords “SEO Test” on the first heading in the first paragraph will bring your page more visible to Google search engine spider.
Taking into account all the above mentioned aspects and elements of keyword and applying them in to your SEO Test blog, will make your competitive advantage for this challenge rise to a significant level for the search engine will look up your keyword phrases more easily.
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